In Person vs. Tele-therapy

Now that we are stepping further away from the pandemic, many people are slowly returning to in person therapy sessions. With that comes the question, which service is right for my needs? Many of us have grown accustomed to a more virtual lifestyle post-pandemic. Working from home, going to school online, and only going out for very specific outings has become a societal shift since the pandemic. So now that more people are returning to in person work, which service is right for you?

Pros & Cons of Tele-therapy:


  • Quick access to services

  • No commute

  • Ability to schedule around children’s nap times or nanny schedules

  • Lots of varying ability in terms of time of day and proximity to your own work schedule

  • Have service within the comfort and safety of your own home

  • If you have pets- instant pet therapy is included

  • Access to more therapists outside your specific town or area leading to more personalized care


  • Requirement of access to power and wifi

  • Diminished time for decompression before and after your therapy appointments

  • If you are in your home you may be distracted or concerned others can hear your conversations

  • Not a recommended service type for those experiencing IPV or emotional abuse in your own home

  • Can potentially attribute to Zoom fatigue, especially for those working from home

Pro’s & Cons of In Person:


  • You have a designated space for therapy

  • Commuting to and from a therapy office give you time for reflection on what you want to talk about & what you ended up processing in session.

  • Less distractions from life- work updates, kids, pets, dogs barking, abrupt visitors, etc.

  • At my office there is a snack trolly… just sayin.

  • No disconnections from issues with wifi or power

  • Option for walk talk therapy to get outdoors

  • You are in an environment outside of your home

  • If there are people within your home you are navigating relationships with there is more space to discuss things openly without the worry of people overhearing you. (Boundaries can be set around this if tele-therapy is ideal.)


  • Commuting to another location

  • Logistical things to consider such as traffic, parking, road work, car accessibility, etc

  • Timing wise this can be more restrictive if you keep a regimented schedule

  • Unlike tele-therapy you do need to cancel your session if you are feeling sick which can lead to late cancel fees

  • Time restrictions on availability

  • In person only means your therapist needs to be in a certain proximity to your own home, depending on how far you are willing to commute

Pick What Works Well for Your Lifestyle

The great part about private therapy is that you get to decide what works for your life. There are so many options for services. It might take longer to find the right fit but it is worth the energy in regards to your long term wellness journey.

Consider these pros and cons if you are trying to identify which service works best for you. Additionally, many therapists now offer hybrid options. So if you prefer a both/and system of sometimes in person and sometimes teletherapy try to find a provider within your preferred commute time.


Tips for New Therapists


Which Therapy Service Might Be Right for You?